Dealing with employee holidays in Platinum Payroll
This article describes how to keep track of employee's paid time off in Platinum Payroll.
System Configuration
Employee holiday days in Platinum can be configured in two ways:
- The holiday days an employee has left at the end of the year can be carried forward into the next. To enable or disable this feature go to "Payroll Parameters/Maintenance" -> "Payroll Parameters" -> "Company Parameters" -> "General Company Details" and set "Carry Days Forward?" to 'Y' or 'N' as required.
- The start date of the holiday year can be configured. This is the date on which employees receive the next years holiday days entitlement (with roll-over from previous year, if enabled). Enter the day and month into "Holiday Year Start" on the same screen.
Employee Configuration
To set the number of holiday days an employee should have each year:
- Bring up the property screen for the employee, from the menu "Payroll Parameters/Maintenance" -> "Employee Amendments" or from <Shift+F10> in "Run Payroll".
- Enter the number of days holiday the employee should have each year into "Holiday Days per Year".
Holiday Days Available
To see how many days holiday an employee has available:
- From "Run Payroll", or the employee property screen, press <Shift+F5> to view the employee's summary.
- Or, from "Run Payroll", press <Alt+F7> to view the "Holiday Entry" screen.
Using Holiday Days
When an employee is about to take a holiday record the number of days taken like so:
- From "Run Payroll" press <Alt+F7> to open the "Holiday Entry" screen.
- Enter the number of days taken into "Holiday Days".
- If a weekly paid employee is off for a whole week then you should enter these holiday details in the week prior to their holiday, and move up to "Periods to Advance" to enter the number of weeks the employee will be away. This will add those weeks pay into the current week and automatically exclude them from the following weeks.
New Starters
An employee's yearly holiday days entitlement will be available to them from the first payday on or after the holiday year start. For new employees starting part way through the year though this means they will not be given any holiday days automatically until the start of the next holiday year. To manually give a new starter their holiday days entitlement for the remainder of the year:
- From "Run Payroll", or the employee property screen, press <F8> to enter an adjustment.
- If this employee already has some adjustments the "Adjustment Selection" window will pop up. If so, press <F6> to add a new entry.
- Enter the payday into "Date" and 'Holiday Days' into "Comment"
- Go down to "Holiday Days" to enter the number of days holiday to give. This field stores the number of days taken, so to give some days you must enter a negative number. E.g. to give a new starter 8 days enter '-8'.