How do I close a payroll period?
The following article explains how to close off a payroll period. This procedure must be followed when you have completed the payroll and would like to move into the next period. Please ensure you have run all the necessary reports and printed the payslips before proceeding.
Get into "Payroll" -> "Run Payroll Period".
- Click [OK] at the "Payroll Selection" window which opens the period you about to close.
If you run more than one frequency i.e. a Monthly and a Weekly payroll, you must first select the period you would like to close by selecting [Yes] alongside the appropriate "Payroll Frequency" e.g. 'Monthly'.
- Make sure you have produced any "End of Period" reports you need.
- Press <F2> to "Close Current Period".
- A box will pop up asking you to be sure you wish to close the current period. Click [Yes] to proceed with closing the period. You will then be able to run your next Payroll Period.