How do I Create a New Task in Tasks Outstanding?

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This article explains how to create a new task in your Platinum Personnel Planning system.

More Information

Tasks Outstanding can be used to record a wide variety of information, such as;

  • Messages or questions from customers/suppliers/Other staff members.
  • Reminders of jobs to be done.
  • Notes to yourself.
  • Reminders to make telephone calls etc.

Go to " Personnel Planning Tasks Outstanding".

  • In the "Employee:" field, enter in the employees initials for the task you wish to create and <Enter>, or search for them by pressing <Ctrl+F1> and entering their name and clicking [Search].
  • This now lists all the current tasks for the employee. Note: If no tasks exists, a new task properties screen will pop up by default.
  • To create a new task, click [Add] or press <F6>.
  • In the "Type:" field, enter in the type of message, e.g.; 'TEL' for Telephone Call Required etc. (This field is not mandatory).
  • In the "Account:" filed, select 'S' or 'P' for Sales or Purchase Ledger Accounts, and then enter in the account code, or search for a customer or supplier.
  • If you wish to change the date of the task, click into the "Task Date:" field and alter accordingly.
  • If you wish to set a deadline for when this task needs to be completed by, click into the "Deadline:" field and enter the appropriate date
  • If you wish to make this task a private task so only the employee it is logged against can see it, place a "Tick" in the "Private" field. See here for more details.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
create, new task, new, task, message, personnel, planning, tasks, outstanding
