How do I check details of SMS Messages sent?

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This article will explain where to find the log file of messages that have been sent out through Platinum and also how to read the log file.

More Information

First off, in order to view the log file of the messages that have been sent from Platinum we must find the Log file. This file will be located within the company folder of Platinum.

Go to:

  • "My Computer".
  • Click on the drive letter for Platinum. Typically it will read; Public on Server 'P:'.
  • Go into the 'SX' folder.
  • Go into the 'SXCo?' folder. The '?' will be a number that corresponds to the company you are wanting to look at. Typically it will be SXCo1 - If you have only one company.
  • Then on the keyboard type <G>, <R> and <0>, this should then highlight a file called GR08.Log
  • Double click on 'GR08.log'. This will open up in Notepad.

Reading the log file

Now that you have found the log file that stores the information of SMS messages sent through Platinum, you need to understand what it shows. Each line represents a message sent. From left to right the information stored is as follows:

Computer Name
The name of the computer that the message was sent on.
User Code
The generic code that the user was signed into Platinum with.
User No.
The code of the user.
User Name
Name of the user.
Date the message was sent.
Time the message was sent.
The program used to send the message.
The status of the message if it was sent or failed to be sent.
00 00
These have no importance.
Is the Label on the message.
The number the message was sent to.
Contents of the message.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
sent, report, check, short message service, text, txt, bulk messages, details, message, sms