How do I allocate a courtesy unit in the workshop?

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This article describes how to allocate a courtesy vehicle in Workshop.

More Information

Before you can allocate a courtesy vehicle in the workshop, you will need to set the status on an existing vehicle or create a new vehicle with the appropriate status to act as your courtesy vehicle. By default, these vehicles should have a "Status" of 'COU'.

Assigning the Courtesy Vehicle

To assign a courtesy vehicle to a workshop job, you need to be in Workshop Job Properties.

  • Go to " Workshop Workshop Diary".
  • Double click on the workshop job to which you want to assign a courtesy vehicle.
  • Press <Alt+F2> to display "Loan Vehicles". You will see the list of vehicles flagged as courtesy vehicles. For the vehicles to appear here, they must have the appropriate status.

If a vehicle is already assigned to a job which would conflict with the current job scheduling, this will show in availability.

  • Select the courtesy vehicle to be assigned and click [Choose].

Removing the Courtesy Vehicle

To remove the courtesy vehicle from the job, repeat the steps as above, but when you see the list of vehicles, simply choose the 'No Courtesy Vehicle Allocated' at the top of the list. You may want to make a note of the stock number of the courtesy vehicle on the job to indicate that the courtesy vehicle was allocated.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
workshop, bike, car, courtesy vehicle, courtesy, loan, allocating, assigning, removing