What is a Shadow Stock code?

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This article explains what a shadow stock code is.

More Information

Shadow Stock codes hold minimal information about a Stock Code, such as Description, Cost and Retail prices, grouping and any supersession information.

The Shadow File on your system will contain all the manufacturer and after market parts files for which you have asked. It provides a convenient way to make all the manufacturer's parts available to you without cluttering up your main stock file. Catalyst maintain an extensive number of these parts files.

  • Manufacturer parts files are always issued as Shadow Files. A parts update will always update the Shadow File, if any of the parts being updated are also in the Main Stock File then those details are updated as well.
  • Every time you use a part code that is not in your Main Stock File and is on the Shadow File you will be given the choice to copy the information into your Main Stock File. See THIS article for advice on which default settings can be applied as an item is copied in to the main Stock File.
  • For reporting purposes the Shadow File is largely ignored as it is unlikely you will want to report on stock that you have never held or sold.


To check the version of each shadow file on your system select [Help] and 'About Platinum'.

  • Select the [Parts/Prices] tab.
  • All shadow files on your system will be displayed in the order that they were updated, with the most recent at the top.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
shadow stock file, version, Copy, discount group, suppliers

ST18, GR59