How do I change employee pension contributions?

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Revision as of 11:45, 17 May 2018 by Katy Kitchen (talk | contribs) (See also)
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This article explains how to amend the pension contributions made by an employee, e.g. if they wish to increase their contributions or pay into an additional scheme.

More Information

The method to use will depend on the additional contributions they wish to make:

Deduct an Additional Fixed Amount

Go to " Payroll Maintenance Options Add or Edit Employees".

  • Click [Search].
  • Select the employee and click [Edit].
  • Click on the [Tax, NI and Pension] tab.
  • At "Top up pension EE" enter the additional amount to deduct per period e.g. to deduct an extra £5 enter '5'.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept].
text-This will deduct the extra amount per period on top of any other calculated pension deductions.

Deduct a Higher Percentage

If the employee wishes to deduct a percentage, greater than that specified by the standard Auto Enrolment scheme, you will first need to set up an additional pension scheme.

Please see How do I setup a Pension Scheme in Platinum? to create an additional scheme.

Make sure you specify the correct parameters for "Tax" and National Insurance "Lim"its for both the "Employee" and "Employer" columns.
The "%" should be set to 'Y' and "Value" should be left at zero but please make sure you enter the correct percentage for the "Employer".

Go to " Payroll Maintenance Options Add or Edit Employees".

  • Click [Search].
  • Select the employee and click [Edit].
  • Click on the [Tax, NI and Pension] tab.
  • Select the new "Pension scheme" from the drop down menu.
  • At "Company pension EE" enter the percentage they wish to be deducted each period.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept].

Deduct a Higher Value

If the employee wishes to deduct a fixed amount per period you will first need to set up an additional pension scheme.

Please ensure the value is at or greater than the minimum percentage contribution for auto enrolment, unless the employee has opted out.

Please see How do I setup a Pension Scheme in Platinum? to create an additional scheme.

Make sure you specify the correct parameters for "Tax" and National Insurance "Lim"its for both the "Employee" and "Employer" columns.
The "%" should be set to 'N' and "Value" should be left at zero but please make sure you enter the correct percentage for the "Employer".

Go to " Payroll Maintenance Options Add or Edit Employees".

  • Click [Search].
  • Select the employee and click [Edit].
  • Click on the [Tax, NI and Pension] tab.
  • Select the new "Pension scheme" from the drop down menu.
  • At "Company pension EE" enter the value they wish to be deducted each period.
The employee must have been enrolled into an auto enrolment scheme in a previous period. If this is not the case please enter the date they are joining the pension scheme into "Scheme Joined Date".
  • Click [Done] and [Accept].

Review Contributions

Before closing the current period please check the pension deductions are as you expect them to be.

  • Go to " Systems Payroll Run Payroll Period".
    • If you have monthly and weekly paid employees, enter <Y> or click the drop down and select "Yes" against the employee's pay frequency.
    • Then (or if you do not have a pay frequency selection) click the [OK] button to go into the payroll.
    • Click [Choose].
  • If available select [Pension Contributions].
  • If this report is not available click [Execute a Specific Report]
    • Enter 'AUT' and click [Start].

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Pension, scheme, payroll, Parameters, auto enrolment, auto enrol, increase, fixed amount, increase contributions, ees, ers, employees, employers