How do I create a nominal code?

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The following article explains how to set-up a new Nominal Ledger Centre.

More Information

Go into " Nominal Ledger Maintenance Options Centre Maintenance Add or Edit Nominal Centres".

You may wish to view a list of your current Nominal Centres to decide what your new code should be and where it should sit within your current Nominal Ledger Structure. You should be aware of the structure used to create your nominal codes - for example if you have a multi-site operation, a certain part of the nominal code will be used to indicate the site automatically.
  • Click [List] to view all centres. As you move down the list you will see the "Type" of centre is shown on the right of the screen - Click here to see what categories are.
  • In the "Filter on" field, type part of the name of your new Centre to check that it does not already exist. Click [Search].

When you are ready to add your new Centre:

  • Click [Add].
  • In "Code" enter the new Nominal Ledger Code you require (up to 6 characters) and press <Enter>. Please be aware of the structure required.
Note: Codes from Z950 upwards are reserved for the system and cannot be used when creating a new code.
  • Type in a suitable description.
  • Choose the Balance Sheet or Profit & Loss category relevant to this centre - see below for descriptions of these categories .
  • If this centre is to be reconciled (e.g. it's a bank account or any other centre that needs to be reconciled through the Bank Reconciliation) then place a tick in the "Reconciled?" box.
  • Choose [Done] and [Accept].


Profit and Loss Categories

Sales/Cost of Sales
Depending on whether the centre has a credit (-) or debit (+) balance, the code will appear in the Sales or Cost Of Sales area.
This will be shown in the Overhead area irrespective of the value.
This will be shown in the Sales area irrespective of the value.
Cost of Sales
This will be shown in the Cost Of Sales area irrespective of the value.

Balance Sheet Categories

Fixed Asset
This will be shown in the Fixed Asset area irrespective of the value.
Depending on whether the centre has a debit (+) or credit (-) balance, the code will appear in the Current Assets or Liability area.
Financed By
This will be shown in the Financed By area irrespective of the value.
Current Asset
This will be shown in the Current Asset area irrespective of the value.
Current Liability
This will be shown in the Liability area irrespective of the value.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Reconcile, Nominal, Centre
