How do I Report on Held Documents?

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The following article explains how to report on any documents you have put on "Hold".

More Information

Go to " Accounts Reports & Settings Reports Held Document Reports".

  • At "Report To", choose either Screen ('S') or Printer ('P').
  • At "Ledger", choose Sales Ledger ('S') or Purchase Ledger ('P').
  • At "Account", type in the customer or supplier account code if known, or search for the account. If left blank, this will show all accounts.
  • At "Hold Expiring From\To", use this to restrict the report to the relevant expiry date that you want. If left blank, this will show all transactions on all dates.
  • When you have entered all the filters you need, press <F2> to produce the report.

Example of Report Output

Here is an example of the results of the report

Account  Document    Amount       Balance        Held       Expires
 ALF001   23895778      100.00       100.00       100.00   00/00/0000

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Doc, Document, Documents, Hold, Holds, payments, debts