How do I Use Stock Formulae?

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This article explains the stock calculation formulae used in Platinum and how to configure them.

More Information

When items are added to a Stock Invoice or Stock Sales Order the system can use a formula to determine if the item's stock level is within certain limits. If you are using the Platinum Web Shop, you can also use these formulae to choose what to display when a real time stock check is carried out.

Setting up a Stock Formula

Insufficient Stock

When an item is added to a stock invoice in Invoicing and Customer Orders the system can perform a calculation to determine if the stock level is within the required limits. To configure this formula :

  • Go to " Stock Control Maintenance Options Stock Parameters Invoice Parameters (1)".
  • Move the cursor to the "Insufficient Stock Formula" line and press <Shift+F10>.
  • Move the cursor up to the "Fomula Code" field and enter in a new code for this formula.
  • Enter a suitable description in the "Description" field and press <Enter> to move to the formula details.
  • For details on what variables are available and what they mean see below.
  • You can then change this formula to suit your preferences, e.g. 'S+O-A-Q1<0' - will take account of the Current Stock, plus the quantity on Purchase Orders, less quantity on Sales Orders, less the quantity on the current sale and if this is less than 0 you will be shown a warning.

Reorder Formula

Platinum can create a reorder report of items that need to be ordered based on this formula's result. To configure the formula :

  • Go to " Stock Control Maintenance Options Stock Parameters General Parameters (1)".
  • Move the cursor to the "Default Depot Reorder Formula" line and press <Shift+F10>.
  • Move the cursor up to the "Fomula Code" field and enter in a new code for this formula.
  • Enter a suitable description in the "Description" field and press <Enter> to move to the formula details.
  • For details on what variables are available and what they mean see below.
  • You can then change this formula to suit your preferences, e.g. 'IF S<R THEN (IF C=0 THEN (IF R=0 THEN 0 ELSE R-S) ELSE C-S) ELSE 0'. Using this formula if the current stock level is below the reorder level and there is a maximum stock level it will order enough to get to the maximum, else order enough to reach the reorder level else reorder nothing.
  • You can setup multiple stock reorder formulae and these can then be applied to individual stock codes if you require
    • Go to " Stock Control Add or Edit Stock Items"
    • Either enter in the stock code if you know it or search for the item.
    • Press <F4> to open the "Depots" window.
    • In the "Reorder Formula" enter the code of your Reorder Formula you wish to use. If this field is left blank the system will use the default reorder formula.

Available Variables

  • 'M0' - Current months quantity sold to date.
  • 'M1' - Last months quantity sold.
    • 'M??' - Any number between 1 and 36 works also.
    • 'M36' - 36 months ago sales quantity. This is the oldest available.
    • 'M1:36' - Total of last 36 months sales. Also works with all other values from 1 to 36.
  • 'L0' - Lost sales this month.
    • 'L1:6' - Last 6 months lost sales not including this month.
  • 'S' - Current stock quantity at the default stock depot.
  • 'T' - Total stock quantity, taking in all stock depots.
  • 'O[...]' - Quantity on purchase order [up to a due date].
  • 'A[...]' - Allocated to sales orders [up to a due date].
    • These will include any changes made on the current order.
    • Adding a number after the 'O/A' will allow you to specify an end due date for orders to add to the quantity on purchase/sales order.
    • 'O7D/A7D' - Orders due up to next week.
    • 'O1M/A1M' - Orders due up to this day.
    • 'O1Y/A1Y' - Orders due up to this day next year.
  • 'S+O-A' - Free stock.
  • 'R' - Reorder level.
  • 'C' - Ceiling level (Maximum stocking level).
  • 'Q1' - Current operation quantity. Selling/Purchase quantity.
  • 'Q2' - Previous operation quantity . When editing a transaction, this will be the quantity before you amended any quantity information. '(Q1 - Q2)' = The change in quantity level for this operation, for new operations (adding items) this will be zero so the above formula will still work because (Q1 - 0) = Q1.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Formula, Formulae, Formulas, Reorder, Invoicing, Insufficient