How do I Change my Company Address Details?

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Revision as of 15:59, 18 September 2013 by Richard Green (talk | contribs)
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This article explains how to change your company address details.

Single Branch Companies

Go to " Systems/Accounts Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Parameters".

  • Make the relevant changes to the "Company Address" lines.
  • Press <Esc> when finished to exit.
There will be no [Accept] or [Ignore] prompt.
With some careful condensing of the company address, you can add Tel/Fax, email addresses and website to these details.

Multiple Branch Companies

Go to " Systems/Accounts Reports & Settings Maintenance Options Site File Maintenance".

  • Press <F1> or<Shift+F1> to move forwards or backwards through the various sites to find the one you need to edit and press <Enter>.
  • Make the relevant changes to the "Address" lines.
  • Press <Esc> when finished.
  • Press [Accept] to save the changes.
With some careful condensing of the company address, you can add Tel/Fax, email address and website to these details.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
company, address, change, changes, telephone, fax, number, email, website