How do I Deal with Debt Chasing?

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It is possible in Platinum to log any contacts you make when debt chasing, this is useful for yourself or others to refer back to if these debts are queried later.

E.G.: You call your account contact several weeks ago to chase a debt and when you ring again they insist you have not called. The debt contacts screen would allow you to refer back to history to tell them who you spoke to, when and what about.

Logging Debt Contacts

Go to " Sales Ledger Maintenance Options Aged Debt Chasing Review Contacts By Account"

  • In the "Account", type in the customer's account code if known, or search for a customer.
  • From here if there are no previous contacts the system will take you to a new contact log, if it has got previous contacts the system will list them and you can press <F5> to edit or click the [Edit] button. You can also press <F6> to create a new contact or click the [Add] button.
  • This will bring up the Debt contact screen, here the system will automatically date the contact and put your name against it and allows you to add a contact name in the "Contact" Field and some Notes in the "Notes" lines to log what the contact was for.
  • You can then add the date of the next contact in the "Next Contact" Field.
  • Finally you can Press <F2> to allocate the invoices to which this debt chasing contact relates.

Other Useful Key presses when Logging a contact.

  • Press <F5> - To view the previously allocated documents this contact is concerned with
  • Press <F6> - To view useful account information.
  • Press <Shift+F7> - to view Customer history.
  • Press <Ctrl+F8> - View or edit general notes.

Reviewing Debt Chasing Contacts on an Account

Go to " Sales Ledger Maintenance Options Aged Debt Chasing Review Contacts By Account"

  • In the "Account", type in the customer's account code if known, or search for a customer.

Here you will see all previous debt chasing contacts in date order.

Other Useful Key presses when viewing this screen

  • Press <F5> - To view the previous contacts
  • Press <F6> - To post another debt contact

Reviewing All Debts that Need to be Chased

Go to " Sales Ledger Maintenance Options Aged Debt Chasing Debt Overview"

  • This will show you some "Filters" for the report the system is about to display These are as follows
*Range of Accounts From and To

This allows you to view a range of accounts. E.g. All account beginning with A. If left blank this will show all accounts.

Account Group

This will restrict the report to only look at one particular account group. Again, if left blank this will show all accounts.

Unchased Debts

  • If set to 'Yes' you can Filter out from the report any debts which have never been chased up
  • If set to 'No' you can exclude previously chased debts.

Contacts Not Yet Due

  • If set to 'Yes' you can Filter out from the report any debts which have been chased up and have their next contact date set in the future.
  • If set to 'No' will exclude all of the above

Once all the above filters are set to your requirements you can press <F2> to view the results

Other Useful Key presses when viewing the results screen

  • Press <F2> - To post another debt contact
  • Press <F5> - To view the previous contacts
  • Press <S+F7> - To view the selected customers history

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Debt Chasing, Debt, Debt Chase, Chase, chasing, review, contacts, Contact