Triumph composite information

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This article explains the configuration required and the steps to produce the Triumph composite information.

More Information

Please contact the Sales Department to purchase our standard Triumph Composite production kit. This creates the file required for composite input at the press of a few buttons. To produce all the information directly from Platinum, you will need to have the accounts system installed along with the general operational modules.


Unit Sales

The vehicle sales system requires very little configuration beyond normal operational processes. Make sure that your Triumph vehicles have a manufacturer of Triumph and that all vehicles are correctly flagged as New or Used. This should be sufficient to provide the Vehicle statistics.


On the service side, it will be helpful if you are using the real-time labour logging system to get accurate times attended and taken. The hours charged will come from invoicing the customers correctly, and the split between Retail, Internal and Warranty will come from charging the correct customer, and making sure that the customer has the correct Account Group.

Parts, Accessories & Clothing

This is the operational area that needs the closest attention. Triumph items can be stamped automatically with the correct analysis to provide the split required. Third party items must be configured correctly, so that the first Analysis code is set to 'A' - Accessories, 'C - Clothing' and 'P' - Parts. Should this not be done, the items will end up as Parts sales.


This is where the configuration and data entry needs to be controlled carefully. You must have nominal codes set up for the expenses for each department, and these need to have a Group code set on them. This may not be how your existing nominal codes are configured so you may need to create new codes and change the journals that you do to generate the information required. To generate the company turnover, gross profit and overheads, you must run month ends on the system so that the information is made available to the reports.


To produce the composite information in the format required, please use the "Triumph Composite Menu" that will be installed on your system. You will find six reports here that will produce all the information required for the month prior to your current user date. Choose the options in sequence, and the system will generate the file 'TRICOMP.CSV' automatically in the SX folder on your system. You can then upload this file from the Triumph composite input area.