Receipts Configuration - Unit Sales Document

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The Platinum System allows the layout of Receipts to be configured to print the details you require. This is done using a system of "tokens" which represent the items you wish to print, and their positions on the Invoice.

Layout Data File Names

The layout files are stored in the 'SXCo1\Docs' folder, (or 'SXCo2', 'SXCo3', etc).


Plain Paper Receipt

Token File Names

These are copied down into the main data directory when they are needed for the first time by Platinum, and from that point the layouts are as follows:


Layout Tokens

Tokens are indicated by the character '~' followed by a number (the token identifier).

These identifiers may be up to 3 digits in length in the range 1 to 999. Tokens each have specific uses, which are listed below.


Some tokens may also be given parameters. The number of parameters vary for each token. To specify a token with parameters the token must be followed by a comma then parameter. Each parameter is similarly divided from the next by a comma (no terminating comma is required).

Document Areas

For the purposes of configuration, the document layouts are divided into 3 main areas: "Headings", "Body" & "Footings".

Area Tokens

~100 Configuration Section Start
~199 Configuration Section End
~200 Heading Block (First Page) Start
~299 Heading Block (First Page) End
~300 Heading Block (Continuation) Start
~399 Heading Block (Continuation) End
~400 Footing Block (Continuation) Start
~499 Footing Block (Continuation) End
~500 Footing Block (Last Page) Start
~599 Footing Block (Last Page) End


General Tokens

These can appear in either Headers or Footers.

(30 characters)
Account Name
(30 characters)
Account Address Line
n = 1 -> 5
The line of the address.
(6 characters)
Account Code
~4,n Telephone Number/Email Address
n = 0
(15 characters)
Telephone Number.
n = 1
(20 characters)
Mobile Number.
n = 2
(60 characters)
Email Address.
(15 characters)
Fax Number
~6,n,m Account Notes Line
n = 1 -> 5
The line of the notes.
m = 0
(40 characters)
Print Notes information.
m = 1
(10 characters)
Print Notes prompt.
~8,n User Date
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
(8 characters)
Document Number
n = 0
Print in all cases.
n = 1
Blank if not in Heading.
~10,n Document Date
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
(40 characters)
Company Name
n = 1 -> 2
The line of the name.
(50 characters)
Company Address
n = 1 -> 5
The line of the address.
(one line)
Heading Line
n = 1 -> 2
Heading text.
(one line)
Footing Line
n = 1 -> 3
Footing text.
(11 characters)
Heading Document Type
(10 characters)
Total : Amount Paid
(6 characters)
Account Group
(10 characters)
System Parameters word for distance.

e.g. "Mileage" or "Kilometers"

(25 characters)
Sale Unit Warranty Number
~47,n Unit Make/Model
n = 0
(20 characters)
First 20 characters of the description (legacy layouts).
n = 1-4
(40 characters)
Line 1 - 4 of the description
(10 characters)
Unit Registration Number
(30 characters)
Unit V.I.N. Number
(30 characters)
Unit Engine Number
(8 characters)
Unit Distance
n = 0
Print spaces when zero.
n = 1
Print '0' when zero.
~54 Slip Print Form Feed
(8 characters)
Part Exchange Unit Mileage
(25 characters)
Part Exchange Unit Chassis Number
(8 characters)
User/Group Name
(15 characters)
Unit Colour
(30 characters)
Unit Chassis Number
(10 characters)
Account Reference
(8 characters)
Unit Stock Number
(1 character)
Account Analysis Code
n = 1 -> 9
Analysis Code index.
~214,n,m Account Analysis Description
n = 1 -> 9
Analysis Description index.
m = 0
(15 characters)
First 15 characters of description.
m = >0
(Up to 30)
The full description.
(60 characters)
Account Extra Notes
n = 1 -> 999
Account Extra Note line index.
~216 Skip block until next ~216

Print Spaces if a Credit Card Transaction is not involved.

(30 characters)
Credit Card Holder Name
(20 characters)
Credit Card Number
(5 characters)
Credit Card Expiry Date, as MM/YY
(10 characters)
Credit Card Authorisation Code
(2 characters)
Credit Card Issue Number
(5 characters)
Credit Card Valid From Date, as MM/YY
(15 characters)
System Merchant Number
(40 characters)
Payment Description line
n = 1
Payment index

Configuration Tokens

These affect the overall layout of the Invoice, and should be grouped together at the head of the layout file.

Document Blocks

The block information can either be supplied by you, in which case you should leave the parameters blank to begin with, and fill the values in when you are happy with the rest of the file; or the compiler can track the values down itself, which will marginally slow down the compilation process.

~101,n,m 1st Page Heading Block
Start Line (i.e. Line for '~200').
End Line (i.e. Line for '~299').
~102,n,m Continuation Page Heading Block
Start Line (i.e. Line for '~300').
End Line (i.e. Line for '~399').
~103,n,m Continued Page Footing Block
Start Line (i.e. Line for '~400').
End Line (i.e. Line for '~499').
~104,n,m Final Page Footing Block
Start Line (i.e. Line for '~500').
End Line (i.e. Line for '~599').

Document Configuration

~109,n Normal and Slip Body Style
n = 0
n = 1
~111,n Line Skip
n = 0
No Line Skip.
n = 1
Line Skip between Items.
~112,n Heading Block
n => 1
The line to start printing.
~113,n,m Body Block
The line to start printing.
Depth (Number of lines to print).
~114,n Footing Block
The line to start printing.
~115,n Form Length
Number of Lines per Page.
~119 Stops V.A.T. Inclusive Invoices printing Tax & Grand Totals

Stops "V.A.T. Inclusive" Invoices printing Tax & Grand Total items in the '~700' -> '~799' Totals Block, as these can look confusing.

If a Blanket Discount applies, Grand Total will still be printed to reflect this.

~198 Currency conversion configuration
  • See Currency Conversions at the end of this article for more details.

Print Style Tokens

The following print style codes must have 3 spaces after them as these codes always 6 characters wide.

(6 characters)
(6 characters)
(6 characters)
(6 characters)
(6 characters)
Double Strike On
(6 characters)
Double Strike Off
(6 characters)
Paper Forward
(6 characters)
Paper Backward
(up to 32 characters)
Insert print style

This print style code doesn't need any spaces after it as it will the width of the print code to insert.

n = 1 -> 999
Corresponds to the print code ID in the "Print Code Amendments".

Currency Conversions

Platinum "Elite" systems only. "Solo" systems will need to be upgraded to "Elite", contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on (0116) 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page for your upgrade path.

All tokens that return a currency amount may now be modified to convert that amount into a different currency before printing. This is done by using a currency modifier after the token number but before any parameters. This modifier begins with a special symbol and may optionally be followed by a number and/or a three character currency code.

To get the relevant currency symbol to print on a document, the symbols '$' and '#' (hash symbol, but may have been misprinted as a pound sign) are used immediately after the token that you wish the currency conversion to take place. Using the '#' will suppress the printing of the currency symbol. This can be useful when printers don't have relevant symbols for some currencies.

Unless the relevant currency required is set up against the base rate in Currency Maintenance, no conversion will take place. Also, the customer needs to be correctly flagged for the appropriate Country.

The number part of the modifier may be used to specify the maximum number of characters to print. Some currencies may involve quite large amounts and this number can be used to make sure there is enough room to print them. The three character currency code specifies which currency to convert the amount to. This may be omitted, in which case the currency specified for the account associated with the document being printed will be used, if there is one.

Some examples using '~29,1' amount taxed at first tax rate. Note that '~29' may not represent an amount in all document formats. This is just an example.
no conversion
'*100.00' - (where * is your usual currency symbol).
convert to the account currency (if there is one)
'1005.18F' - (e.g. French Francs.)
convert to account currency and print to a width of 12
convert to currency USD (US Dollar)
convert to currency USD (US Dollar) and target to whole dollar units if within 2 cents. This feature is useful if you want to display values with the cents/pennies rounded away. For example if displaying in dollars then the number in brackets represents the maximum number of cents over or under a dollar within which the conversion will target to a whole dollar. For 02 within the brackets then $1.98, $1.99, $2.00, $2.01, $2.02 will all display as $2.00.
same, but suppress the symbol and print to a width of 12

Currency Configuration

There is an optional Currency Conversion configuration token which when used should be placed in the Configuration block. This token may have a currency modifier applied to it which will then be used by default throughout the document, although it can be overridden by modifiers applied to individual tokens.

~198x x = Default currency modifier (optional)

Country/Currency Tokens

There is a group of tokens that may be used in headers and footers to print details about the country and currency set up for the account associated with the document.

(3 characters)
Country code/description for the document.

If the account in use has a specific country associated with it this will be used, otherwise the system default country will be output.

n = 0
Output the country code.
n = 1
(30 characters)
Output the country description.
(12 characters)
Exchange rate from base currency to account currency
(15 characters)
Sub-units of the currency set for this account
(15 characters)
Units of the currency set for this account
(30 characters)
Name of the currency set for this account
(3 characters)
Code of the currency set for this account
~298 Skip block until next ~298

Should be used in pairs on a line. Everything between them is blanked out if there is no currency set for this account

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Keywords AND Misspellings
vehicle, unit, wholegood, caravan, agricultural machine, tractor, trailer, car, suv, motorcycle, motorbike, truck, van, lorry, motorhome, quad, atv, boat, tricycle, quadricycle, bicycle, bike, plant, Layout, Token, Format, Document, Setup, Config, Configuration, Receipt