How do I Output a Debtors/Creditors List to File?

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This article explains how to output a Debtors or Creditors list to file. You may then open this in an external program, e.g. Excel.

More Information

Go to " Sales Ledger/Purchase Ledger Sales/Purchase Reports Accounts Report Generator".

  • Enter 'Debt' or 'Credit' and click [Search].

Debtors List

  • Select either '~AD - Aged Debtors List' or '~DM - Aged Debtors by Month' to produce a Debtors list split by either 30 day periods or by calendar month.

Creditors List

  • Select either '~AC - Aged Creditors List' or '~CM - Aged Creditors by Month' to produce a Creditors list split by either 30 day periods or by calendar month.
If you do not have these reports in your system, please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for advice.

Having produced the report on screen, change the "View report as" option, in the bottom left of your screen, to 'Table'.

  • Select the "Output" button, to the left of the [Print] button at the top of your screen.
  • Choose [Excel] or [CSV].
  • Save the file in a suitable location.
  • The file should open automatically if you choose [Excel], however you will need to find and open the file manually if you choose [CSV].

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
aged, debtors, creditors, debt list, creditors list, credit list, output to excel, csv, excel, supplier balances, customer balances