How do I create payroll attachments?

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An Attachment is used to calculate specific deductions on behalf of an agency, e.g. Child Support, Student Loans and County Court Judgments (CCJ's).

More Information

The following article explains how to enable an attachment in Payroll.

To enter an attachment record against a specific employee, please see this article.

Go to " Payroll Maintenance Options Payroll Settings Company Parameters Period Adjustments".

  • Move down to the next free line.
    • If the attachment is for Tax Credits, press <F7>.
    • If the attachment is for Student Loans, press <Shift+F7>.
  • For any other attachments:
    • Arrow key across to the column headed "Attachments/Special Adjustments".
    • Press <Ctrl+F1> then click [List].
    • Select the attachment from the list and click [Choose].
    • The Description and Settings for the attachment will be completed for you.

If the attachment you wish to enter is not shown in the list, click [Add].

  • Enter a code for the "Attachment Agency".
  • Enter the agency "Description".
  • Click on the [Settings] tab and complete the "Contact Information".
  • Enter the "Defaults" for this type of attachment. Your paperwork should provide you with the information you require else contact the agency directly if you are unsure which settings apply.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept] the agency.
  • Make sure the settings to apply to this attachment are correct.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Attachment, attachments, add, create, government, CCJ, Student Loans, CSA, Tax Credit, Agency, Child Support, EAO, Earnings Order, Court