How do I change the sort order of search results?

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The following article explains how to change the sort order of search and report results.

More Information

When you have searched for something in Platinum or you have run a report which is displayed on a GUI screen, you can sort the results by any of the column headings.

  • To do this, click on the column heading by which you want to sort the results - you will see an arrow appear in the column heading pointing up.
  • The results will now be sorted with the smallest value at the top and the highest value at the bottom. If you have sorted by a column containing both text and numbers it will sort alphanumerically, so items beginning with numbers will appear at the top.
  • Click the column heading again to have the results sorted in the reverse order and you will see an arrow pointing down.
  • If you have changed the sort order of the results and want to reset them back to their default, please follow the article here.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
reorder, sort, order, columns, ascending, descending