Platinum Conventions
About this guide
This guide is designed to cover conventions used in this Knowledge Base and throughout Platinum.
- Keys are symbolised by <key>, the 'F11' key would be displayed <F11>.
- Buttons are symbolised by [button], the 'Edit' button would be displayed [Edit].
- If you hover the mouse pointer over any button, descriptive text will display along with the shortcut key for that button.
- Locations in Platinum are symbolised by using -> starting with the first menu followed by -> and then the second menu etc. "About Platinum" can be found in the "Help" menu, it's location is "Help" -> "About Platinum".
- The <Shift> key is symbolised by S-, the 'Shift F1' key combination would be displayed <Shift+F1>.
- The <Control> or <Ctrl> key is symbolised by C-, the 'Control F1' key combination would be displayed <Ctrl+F1>.
- The <Alt> key is symbolised by A-, the 'Alt F1' key combination would be displayed <Alt+F1>.
Context Sensitive
From any place in Platinum you can call up a page of help that is specific to that area of the software.
You can access the help in Platinum in one of three ways :-
- Press the <F11> key.
- Click the "Help" -> "Show Help for Current Item" menu option.
- Click the 'Help' toolbar icon .
All the above option will display the help window for the specific item you are accepting. You can close these help windows by clicking the the in the top right corner of the window.
Key Functions
Many accepts have several options available from them. These options are listed in the "Functions" menu.
You can access the "Functions" menu in one of three ways:-
- Press the <F12> key.
- Click the "Help" -> "Show Functions Available" menu option.
- Click the 'Help' toolbar icon .
The most recently used or most common options will be displayed. Further options (if available) will be displayed after a slight pause or by pressing the "More Functions" entry.
Click a selection (or use the shortcut key shown along side the function name) to execute that function. As you familiarise yourself with the options and their shortcut keys you will be able to select the function by using the shortcut key bypassing the menu.
Common Keys
<Shift+F10> Used to access the item property screen to allow the adding or amendment on an existing item. <Alt+E> Will start the currency converter. <Alt+L> Will pop up the login screem, preventing others from using Platinum with your password. <Alt+M> Will start the macro manager. <Alt+O> Will open a link based on the current data in the accept. <Ctrl+A> Select the current accept. <Ctrl+C> Copy the selected text to the clipboard. <Ctrl+U> Will blank out the current accept. <Ctrl+V> Will paste the contents of the clipboard. <Ctrl+X> Cut the selected text to the clipboard.
<F1> Used to scroll forwards through a series of data items. eg. through accounts, stock codes or vehicles etc. <Shift+F1> Used to scroll backwards through a series of data items. eg. through accounts, stock codes or vehicles etc. <Ctrl+F1> - Used to search for an item by using part of it's description.
<F11> - Call up the context sensitive help. <F12> - Call up the list of functions available.
<=> Will put today's date into the current date item. <-> Will put yesterday's date into the current date item. <+> Will put tomorrow's date into the current date item. <M> Will put the first day of the current month into the current date item. <T> Will put the last day of the current month into the current date item. <Y> Will put the first day of the current year into the current date item. <R> Will put the last day of the current year into the current date item. <W> Will put the first day of the current week into the current date item. <K> Will put the last day of the current week into the current date item.