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== Summary ==
== Summary ==
This article describes how to create an employee record in the {{PR}}.  
This article describes how to create an employee record in the {{PR}}.
== More Information ==
== More Information ==
=== Video Tutorial ===
All employees will need an employee record.
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eju5S7kVEbU&sns=em How to Create a New Employee]
=== Further Explanation ===
{{Warning|text=If an employee returns to work for you, either within the current tax year or after having left in a previous tax year, you '''must''' create a new employee record for them. This ensures their previous pay is correctly recorded and their details can be submitted to HMRC without fear of conflicting information being transmitted.}}
==== Brief Setup Information ====
{{Information|text=You need to know the following mandatory information to allow you to create an employee record.}}
; {{DataPrompt|Surname}}
; {{DataPrompt|Forenames}}
; {{DataPrompt|Address}}
; {{DataPrompt|Date Of Birth}}
; {{DataPrompt|Date Started}}
; {{DataPrompt|Tax Code}} - If you are unsure what code to use please contact HMRC for advice.
; {{DataPrompt|NI Number}}
; {{DataPrompt|NI Rate}}  - If you are unsure what rate to use please contact HMRC for advice.
; {{DataPrompt|Pay Frequency}}
; {{DataPrompt|Std Rate}}
[[Entering P45 details/new starters|This]] article explains how to enter P45/P46 details once the employee record has been created.
== Entering Employee Details ==
Go to {{PayrollMaintenance|Add or Edit Employees}}.
Go to {{PayrollMaintenance|Add or Edit Employees}}.
* Click {{Button|Add}}.
* Enter a suitable {{DataPrompt|Employee}} code, e.g. {{DataValue|CCS001}} (max 6 characters).
Press {{KeyPress|ENTER}}.
The minimum information required to create an employee in Platinum for use with the Real Time Information (RTI) is as follows:
=== General ===
* Complete the {{Tab|General}} fields. Mandatory fields are highlighted in red. You will be unable to save an employee record if any mandatory fields are left blank.
* '''Page 1'''
{{Warning|text=Your RTI submission will include many of these details therefore it is important to complete all required fields. Please note the employee's middle name should be included in the {{DataPrompt|Forenames}} field. Names and Address ''must not'' contain commas or any special characters as these will make the RTI Submission Fail.}}
** {{DataPrompt|Surname}} '''#'''
** {{DataPrompt|Forenames}} '''#'''
** {{DataPrompt|Address}} '''#'''
** {{DataPrompt|Date Of Birth}}
** {{DataPrompt|Start Date}}
** {{DataPrompt|Gender}}
* '''Page 2'''
** {{DataPrompt|Tax Code}}
** {{DataPrompt|NI Code}}
** {{DataPrompt|NI Rate}}
* '''Page 4'''
* {{DataPrompt|Pay Frequency}}
* {{DataPrompt|Std Rate}}
{{Warning|text='''RTI UPDATE'''' -It is '''IMPORTANT''' that all employees have their '''FULL''' Name (including middle names), they '''MUST''' Have {{DataPrompt|Date of Birth}} and {{DataPrompt|Date Started}} are filled in. '''THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES MUST NOT INCLUDE COMMAS (,) OR ANY "SPECIAL CHARACTERS"''' as these will make the RTI Submission Fail.}}
* Emergency contact details can be recorded in the {{DataPrompt|Contact}} field or {{DataPrompt|Notes}} lines.
{{Information|text=When entering the employees' holiday days this usually includes bank holidays in the allowance.}}
* If you intend to email this employee their Payslips enter their {{DataPrompt|Email}} address and a {{DataPrompt|Password}}. You should ask the employee for the password they wish to use. Please note: this cannot be retrieved if forgotten so encourage the employee to use something suitably memorable to them or suggest they use their National Insurance number without spaces.
*'''PAGE 1''' is self explanatory apart from {{DataPrompt|Department}}.
{{Tip|text=Certain documents should be emailed using password protection to ensure they remain secure e.g. payslips and P60's. You may need configuration to enable this option so please {{SupportContact}} for more information.}}
*If you want to create departments, which can be useful for reporting, then move the cursor to {{DataPrompt|Department}} and press {{KeyPress|C-F1}}.
**Click {{KeyPress|Add}}.
**Enter a four character department code, with a thirty character description and you can create further sub groups of that department code if necessary. But for this example we shall simply create an Admin Department Code.
{{Example|text={{DataValue|0001}} with a description of {{DataValue|Administration2}}.}}
=== Employment ===
You may assign a {{DataPrompt|Department}} to an employee.
* Press {{KeyPress|C-F1}} and click {{Button|List}} to select an existing department code.
**  To add a new department, click {{KeyPress|Add}}.
** Enter a department code and {{DataPrompt|Name}} e.g. ''MK01 - Marketing''.
** Click {{Button|Done}} and {{Button|Accept}}.
{{Information|text=All new employees will be put "on hold" when they are first entered. This allows you to enter their details at any time, but only activate them once you have closed the period prior the first one in which you will be paying them. Simply change the {{DataPrompt|Payroll Hold}} flag from {{DataValue|Yes}} to {{DataValue|No}} at the appropriate time (and not before).}}
* Enter a {{DataPrompt|Job Title}}.
* Complete the {{DataPrompt|Date Started}} - this cannot be more than 30 days in the future.
* On the second page of information for the employee, you have the {{DataPrompt|Tax Code:}}. Enter the appropriate Tax Code, either from a P45 or the emergency code in force at the time.
{{Information|text=All new employees will be put {{DataValue|On Hold}} when they are first entered. This allows you to enter their details at any time, but only activate them once you have closed the period prior the first one in which you will be paying them, e.g. if Month 4 is your current period but you will not be paying this employee until Month 5, you should leave this flag set to {{DataValue|Yes}} until you have closed and submitted Month 4.}}
* The {{DataPrompt|NI Rate:}} should be set appropriately. If there is no company pension scheme, then it is likely that most of your employees will be on {{DataPrompt|NI Rate:}} {{DataValue|A}}, but you should ensure that you are using the correct rate for each employee according to current legislation.
* {{DataPrompt|Payroll ID}} - If the employee has a unique payroll id, by which HMRC already refer to them, please enter their code here. This may contain up to  35 characters and may contain upper and lower case letters, digits 0 to 9 and some standard symbols.
** Press {{KeyPress|F11}} for the full list of symbols allowed.
* Move on a couple of pages to the "Basic Pay" page, and enter the {{DataPrompt|Payment Frequency}}, {{DataPrompt|Payment Type}}, {{DataPrompt|Std Hours}} and {{DataPrompt|Std Rate}}.  
* Click [[Dealing with employee holidays in Platinum Payroll#New Starters|here]] for instructions on how to record holiday allowance for a new employee.
This covers the fields for creating a basic employee record.
=== Tax, NI and Pension ===
Complete the employee {{DataPrompt|Tax Details}}.
==== Detailed Setup Information ====
* Enter the appropriate {{DataPrompt|Tax Code}} and {{DataPrompt|Week/Month 1}} flag. This can be found on the new starter's P45 or enter the current emergency tax code. If you are unsure, please contact HMRC for advice as this will have a direct effect on the amount of tax deducted per period.
===== General =====
* Enter the code for the employee. There are six characters for this. You may already have employee numbers that you can use, or you can design a coding system for yourself. Whatever system you choose, make sure that you document it in your procedures for new starters so that it can be followed in future.
Complete the employee {{DataPrompt|National Insurance Details}}.
* Enter the other details for the employee, including a department if required. You might want to split your employees up into different departments for reporting and accounts purposes, so use the department for this.
* Avoid commas or other odd characters in the employee name and address since these will upset on-line filing, which is of course now mandatory for us all.
* All new employees will be put "on hold" when they are first entered. This allows you to enter their details at any time, but only activate them once you have closed the period prior the first one in which you will be paying them. Simply change the {{DataPrompt|Payroll Hold}} flag from {{DataValue|Yes}} to {{DataValue|No}}.
===== Tax, NI & Pension =====
On the second page of information for the employee, you have the {{DataPrompt|Tax Code:}}.
* If the employee has brought a P45, their current tax code will be shown thereon, and there may be an "X" in the Week1/Month1 field. If so, then the {{DataPrompt|Wk/Mth 1?:}} should be set to {{DataValue|Yes}}. 
* If the employee does not have a P45, then follow HMRC rules in force for new employees without a P45. The tax code you should use here will generally be the standard single person's code effective at the time, but set the {{DataPrompt|Wk/Mth 1?:}} to {{DataValue|Yes}}.
You will also see here {{DataPrompt|NI Number:}} and {{DataPrompt|NI Rate:}}.
* You must get an {{DataPrompt|NI Number:}} for your employee - HMRC provides a method to find the number if the employee does not know it.
* You must get an {{DataPrompt|NI Number:}} for your employee - HMRC provides a method to find the number if the employee does not know it.
* The {{DataPrompt|NI Rate:}} should be set appropriately. If there is no company pension scheme, then it is likely that most of your employees will be on {{DataPrompt|NI Rate:}} {{DataValue|A}}, but you should ensure that you are using the correct rate. See [https://www.gov.uk/national-insurance-rates-letters/contribution-rates here] for more details.
* The {{DataPrompt|NI Rate:}} should be set appropriately. You should ensure that you are using the correct rate for each employee according to current legislation.
If the employee is to be a director of the company, please see [[How do I change an employee to be a company director?|this]] article.
==== Pension ====
With the arrival of Auto Enrolment schemes, you will find your payroll system will assess and enrol the new employee into your designated [[How do I set up a pension scheme in Platinum Payroll?#Allocating a Scheme to an Employee|scheme]]. Please see [[How do I prepare for automatic enrolment?]].
{{Warning|text=Do not amend any of the pension settings. The system will assess them for eligibility for auto enrolment and will enrol them in the scheme, if eligible. The scheme and join date will be populated for you once you close the first period they are enrolled in. Overwriting these settings '''will''' affect the systems ability to auto enrol an employee.}}
=== Statutory Payments ===
Select the {{DataPrompt|SSP qualifying days}} for this employee, i.e. usually this will be the days they are contracted to work.
If this employee is not entitled to claim [[How do I add sick pay?|SPP]] and/or SMP/SAP/SPP, select {{DataValue|No}}.
===== Basic Pay =====
=== Basic Pay ===
* Enter the {{DataPrompt|Payment Frequency :}} and {{DataPrompt|PaymentType:}} for this employee. The options for these fields are shown alongside them. 
Enter the defaults for this employee if they differ from the settings shown.
* Where the {{DataPrompt|PaymentType:}} is {{DataValue|S}} for Salary, the {{DataPrompt|Std Hours:}} is not relevant in the actual wages calculation, and there may be no "standard" hours for the job! Decide on a figure that you consider appropriate since this is a requirement for RTI.
* The rate or rates of pay can be entered here. The system can cope with a wide variety of options including basic salary, basic salary plus overtime paid at an hourly rate, basic plus a fixed amount for Saturday working, hourly basic rate plus overtime at time and a half (or other rate), and so on.
===== Bank =====
* Where the {{DataPrompt|Payment Type}} is {{DataValue|S}} for Salary, the {{DataPrompt|Std Hours}} are not relevant in the actual wages calculation, and there may be no ''standard'' hours for the job! Decide on a figure that you consider appropriate since this is a requirement for RTI so that HMRC can decide if you are paying minimum wage or not.
If you wish to store [[Where can I Store Employee Bank Information?|employee bank details]], you will first need to create bank records in the Payroll Settings.
To get straight into the Bank Maintenance program, without having to exit this screen, follow the instructions below:
* The rate or rates of pay can be entered here. The system can cope with a wide variety of options including basic salary, basic salary plus overtime paid at an hourly rate, basic plus a fixed amount for Saturday working, hourly basic rate plus overtime at time and a half (or other rate), and so on. Please see [[How do I set up employee payment defaults?|this]] article to explain the rates in your system.
** If the employee is paid on a salaried basis, enter their standard pay per period, e.g £1000 per month.
*Press {{KeyPress|S-F10}} while the cursor is on the {{DataPrompt|Sort Code}} field.
You will be able to overwrite and amend hours during a payroll run.
You will be taken into the Bank Properties program.
*Enter the {{DataPrompt|Sort Code}}, {{DataPrompt|Name}} and {{DataPrompt|Address}} of the Bank.
*Press {{KeyPress|Esc}} and {{Button|Accept}} the new record.
*Press {{KeyPress|Esc}} again to return to the employee record.
*Once you have created the necessary Bank Records, enter the Sort Code for the employee's bank. Pressing {{KeyPress|F1}}/{{KeyPress|S-F1}} allows you to scroll forwards/backwards through Bank Sort Codes already on file.
*Enter the employee's Account details and the Payment Reference number, if applicable. Various Payroll reports can be produced to show these details along with relevant pay information for ease of payment e.g. a Natwest Autopay Report which will show Nett Pay and the employee Reference number to make entering BACS details quick and easy.  
{{Note|text=;If you do not need or want to record the employee's bank details, you may leave this page blank.}}
{{Tip|text=Values entered or amended here will '''not''' be applied to the current payroll period. This is to prevent changes to pay being applied to the open period, which may already have been calculated and payslips produced. Once the open period has been closed the employee pay defaults will be applied to the new period. Please see [[How do I run a payroll period?#Employee Default Pay Changes|Pay Changes]].}}
===== Adjustments =====
=== Bank ===
* If you have an employee who has a fixed value addition or deduction each period to or from their pay, enter it here.
If you wish to store [[Where can I store employee bank information?|employee bank details]], you will first need to create bank records in the Payroll Settings.
* The amount will appear automatically when you run the payroll. If you have a variable or irregular addition or deduction, don't enter it here, but remember to deal with it when you actually run the payroll for the period.
* Check carefully whether the amount is subject to tax and national insurance, and that your adjustment option that you use is set up correctly.
===== New Starters =====
To get straight into the Bank Maintenance program, without having to exit this screen, follow the instructions below:
* When adding an employee record for a new starter please save their new record then follow the extra steps in  [[Entering P45 Details/New Starters|this]] article to enter their P45 details.
{{Note||text=As of April 2010, all Payroll Year End and P45 details have to be filed on-line. Your Government Gateway user name and password should have been entered into Platinum already, but see [[How do I Set up Platinum for Online P45 Submission?|here]] for details of how to set them up.}}
* Press {{KeyPress|S-F10}} while the cursor is on the {{DataPrompt|Sort Code}} field.
* Enter the {{DataPrompt|Sort Code}}, {{DataPrompt|Name}} and {{DataPrompt|Address}} of the Bank.
* Press {{KeyPress|ESC}} and {{Button|Accept}} the new record.
* Press {{KeyPress|ESC}} again to return to the employee record.
* Once you have created the necessary Bank Records, enter the Sort Code for the employee's bank. Pressing {{KeyPress|F1}}/{{KeyPress|S-F1}} allows you to scroll forwards/backwards through Bank Sort Codes already on file.
* Enter the employee's Account details and the Payment Reference number, if applicable. Various Payroll reports can be produced to show these details along with relevant pay information for ease of payment, e.g. a Natwest Autopay Report which will show Nett Pay and the employee Reference number to make entering BACS details quick and easy.
=== HMRC Starter Checklist ===
{{Note|text=If you do not need or want to record the employee's bank details, you may leave this page blank.}}
The HMRC also provides a PDF document to help you collect the required information for a new employees. Click [http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/forms/starterchecklist.pdf here] to download this document from the HMRC website.
=== Adjustments ===
* If you have an employee who has a fixed value addition or deduction each period to or from their pay, enter it here.
* The amount will appear automatically when you run the payroll. If you have a variable or irregular addition or deduction, don't enter it here, but remember to deal with it when you actually run the payroll for the period.
* Check carefully whether the amount is subject to tax and national insurance, and that the adjustment option that you use is set up correctly.
See [[How do I set up payroll adjustments?]] and [[How do I assign attachments to an employee?]] for more information.
==== Troubleshooting Document Download Issues ====
=== Notes ===
There are occasions, depending on your internet browser in which the above document will not download.  
You may record additional details in this tab, e.g. previous addresses, medical notes etc.
{{Tip|text=Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and above also Apple Safari 5.1 and above have no issues with displaying this document.}}
=== Images ===
If you have pictures of your employees, you may add them here. [[Adding pictures|This]] article explains how to add an image.
When trying to view in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, it will show a page with the following text.
Once you have entered all relevant details, you should click {{Button|Done}} and {{Button|Accept}}. If you are warned an item is missing or incorrect, you should check the record carefully. Make sure you have completed all mandatory fields.
== P45/P46 Details ==
Please wait...
Please follow the instructions in [[Entering P45 details/new starters|this]] article to enter the employee's new starter details.
If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your
PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document...........
===== In Mozilla Firefox =====
It is very important that you enter their P45 details in their first pay period e.se you '''must''' complete a New Starter declaration with HMRC and enter the details into your Payroll system.
At the top of the  browser if got a message saying
''"This PDF Document might not be displayed correctly."''
=== HMRC Starter Checklist ===
The HMRC also provides a PDF document to help you collect the required information for a new employee. Click [http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/forms/starterchecklist.pdf here] to download this document from the HMRC website.
To the right of this there is a box saying:
== Saving the record ==
Once you have entered all relevant details you may click {{Button|Done}} and {{Button|Accept}} their record.
''"Open with a different viewer"'' on the to top right of your Firefox browser.
When you are in the first period in which they will be paid, you should amend their record and change the {{DataPrompt|Payroll hold}} flag to {{DataValue|No}}.  
===== In Google Chrome =====
Ensure you enter their P45 or P46/New Starter details before submitting the first period. This ensures the correct Tax is deducted.
Hover the mouse over the Bottom right of the document and a small toolbar will appear, simply click the picture of a "Disk" and save the file to the desired location.
== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[How do I Run a Payroll Period?]]
* [[Entering P45 details/new starters]]
* [[Entering P45 Details/New Starters]]
* [[How do I change a tax code?]]
* [[How do I change a tax code?]]
* [[How do I Change an NI Number?]]
* [[How do I change an NI number?]]
* [[Where can I Store Employee Bank Information?]]
* [[Where can I store employee bank information?]]
* [[How do I Set a Default Amount of Holiday for Employees?]]
* [[How do I set a default amount of holiday for employees?]]
* [[How do I run a payroll period?]]
* [https://www.gov.uk/national-insurance-rates-letters/contribution-rates National Insurance Contribution Rates]
* [https://www.gov.uk/national-insurance-rates-letters/contribution-rates National Insurance Contribution Rates]
{{KB_Tags|Payroll, Starter, New, Employee, P45, Tax Code, video}}
{{KB_Tags|payroll, starter, new, employee, p45, tax code, p46}}
{{FAQ}} {{KB_PR}}{{ZN_Admin}}

Latest revision as of 17:15, 5 December 2022


This article describes how to create an employee record in the Payroll.

More Information

All employees will need an employee record.

If an employee returns to work for you, either within the current tax year or after having left in a previous tax year, you must create a new employee record for them. This ensures their previous pay is correctly recorded and their details can be submitted to HMRC without fear of conflicting information being transmitted.
You need to know the following mandatory information to allow you to create an employee record.
"Date Of Birth"
"Date Started"
"Tax Code" - If you are unsure what code to use please contact HMRC for advice.
"NI Number"
"NI Rate" - If you are unsure what rate to use please contact HMRC for advice.
"Pay Frequency"
"Std Rate"

This article explains how to enter P45/P46 details once the employee record has been created.

Entering Employee Details

Go to " Payroll Maintenance Options Add or Edit Employees".

  • Click [Add].
  • Enter a suitable "Employee" code, e.g. 'CCS001' (max 6 characters).

Press <Enter>.


  • Complete the [General] fields. Mandatory fields are highlighted in red. You will be unable to save an employee record if any mandatory fields are left blank.
Your RTI submission will include many of these details therefore it is important to complete all required fields. Please note the employee's middle name should be included in the "Forenames" field. Names and Address must not contain commas or any special characters as these will make the RTI Submission Fail.
  • Emergency contact details can be recorded in the "Contact" field or "Notes" lines.
  • If you intend to email this employee their Payslips enter their "Email" address and a "Password". You should ask the employee for the password they wish to use. Please note: this cannot be retrieved if forgotten so encourage the employee to use something suitably memorable to them or suggest they use their National Insurance number without spaces.
Certain documents should be emailed using password protection to ensure they remain secure e.g. payslips and P60's. You may need configuration to enable this option so please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for more information.


You may assign a "Department" to an employee.

  • Press <Ctrl+F1> and click [List] to select an existing department code.
    • To add a new department, click <Add>.
    • Enter a department code and "Name" e.g. MK01 - Marketing.
    • Click [Done] and [Accept].
  • Enter a "Job Title".
  • Complete the "Date Started" - this cannot be more than 30 days in the future.
All new employees will be put 'On Hold' when they are first entered. This allows you to enter their details at any time, but only activate them once you have closed the period prior the first one in which you will be paying them, e.g. if Month 4 is your current period but you will not be paying this employee until Month 5, you should leave this flag set to 'Yes' until you have closed and submitted Month 4.
  • "Payroll ID" - If the employee has a unique payroll id, by which HMRC already refer to them, please enter their code here. This may contain up to 35 characters and may contain upper and lower case letters, digits 0 to 9 and some standard symbols.
    • Press <F11> for the full list of symbols allowed.
  • Click here for instructions on how to record holiday allowance for a new employee.

Tax, NI and Pension

Complete the employee "Tax Details".

  • Enter the appropriate "Tax Code" and "Week/Month 1" flag. This can be found on the new starter's P45 or enter the current emergency tax code. If you are unsure, please contact HMRC for advice as this will have a direct effect on the amount of tax deducted per period.

Complete the employee "National Insurance Details".

  • You must get an "NI Number:" for your employee - HMRC provides a method to find the number if the employee does not know it.
  • The "NI Rate:" should be set appropriately. You should ensure that you are using the correct rate for each employee according to current legislation.

If the employee is to be a director of the company, please see this article.


With the arrival of Auto Enrolment schemes, you will find your payroll system will assess and enrol the new employee into your designated scheme. Please see How do I prepare for automatic enrolment?.

Do not amend any of the pension settings. The system will assess them for eligibility for auto enrolment and will enrol them in the scheme, if eligible. The scheme and join date will be populated for you once you close the first period they are enrolled in. Overwriting these settings will affect the systems ability to auto enrol an employee.

Statutory Payments

Select the "SSP qualifying days" for this employee, i.e. usually this will be the days they are contracted to work.

If this employee is not entitled to claim SPP and/or SMP/SAP/SPP, select 'No'.

Basic Pay

Enter the defaults for this employee if they differ from the settings shown.

  • Where the "Payment Type" is 'S' for Salary, the "Std Hours" are not relevant in the actual wages calculation, and there may be no standard hours for the job! Decide on a figure that you consider appropriate since this is a requirement for RTI so that HMRC can decide if you are paying minimum wage or not.
  • The rate or rates of pay can be entered here. The system can cope with a wide variety of options including basic salary, basic salary plus overtime paid at an hourly rate, basic plus a fixed amount for Saturday working, hourly basic rate plus overtime at time and a half (or other rate), and so on. Please see this article to explain the rates in your system.
    • If the employee is paid on a salaried basis, enter their standard pay per period, e.g £1000 per month.

You will be able to overwrite and amend hours during a payroll run.

Values entered or amended here will not be applied to the current payroll period. This is to prevent changes to pay being applied to the open period, which may already have been calculated and payslips produced. Once the open period has been closed the employee pay defaults will be applied to the new period. Please see Pay Changes.


If you wish to store employee bank details, you will first need to create bank records in the Payroll Settings.

To get straight into the Bank Maintenance program, without having to exit this screen, follow the instructions below:

  • Press <Shift+F10> while the cursor is on the "Sort Code" field.
  • Enter the "Sort Code", "Name" and "Address" of the Bank.
  • Press <Esc> and [Accept] the new record.
  • Press <Esc> again to return to the employee record.
  • Once you have created the necessary Bank Records, enter the Sort Code for the employee's bank. Pressing <F1>/<Shift+F1> allows you to scroll forwards/backwards through Bank Sort Codes already on file.
  • Enter the employee's Account details and the Payment Reference number, if applicable. Various Payroll reports can be produced to show these details along with relevant pay information for ease of payment, e.g. a Natwest Autopay Report which will show Nett Pay and the employee Reference number to make entering BACS details quick and easy.
If you do not need or want to record the employee's bank details, you may leave this page blank.


  • If you have an employee who has a fixed value addition or deduction each period to or from their pay, enter it here.
  • The amount will appear automatically when you run the payroll. If you have a variable or irregular addition or deduction, don't enter it here, but remember to deal with it when you actually run the payroll for the period.
  • Check carefully whether the amount is subject to tax and national insurance, and that the adjustment option that you use is set up correctly.

See How do I set up payroll adjustments? and How do I assign attachments to an employee? for more information.


You may record additional details in this tab, e.g. previous addresses, medical notes etc.


If you have pictures of your employees, you may add them here. This article explains how to add an image.

Once you have entered all relevant details, you should click [Done] and [Accept]. If you are warned an item is missing or incorrect, you should check the record carefully. Make sure you have completed all mandatory fields.

P45/P46 Details

Please follow the instructions in this article to enter the employee's new starter details.

It is very important that you enter their P45 details in their first pay period e.se you must complete a New Starter declaration with HMRC and enter the details into your Payroll system.

HMRC Starter Checklist

The HMRC also provides a PDF document to help you collect the required information for a new employee. Click here to download this document from the HMRC website.

Saving the record

Once you have entered all relevant details you may click [Done] and [Accept] their record.

When you are in the first period in which they will be paid, you should amend their record and change the "Payroll hold" flag to 'No'.

Ensure you enter their P45 or P46/New Starter details before submitting the first period. This ensures the correct Tax is deducted.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
payroll, starter, new, employee, p45, tax code, p46