Difference between revisions of "Data Import Destinations"

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PRPX - Payroll Transaction File
PRPX - Payroll Transaction File
SPPR - Sales Prospecting Prospects
SPPR - Sales Prospecting Prospects - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting Prospects and contacts against them.
STDP - Stock Depot File
STPT - Stock Parts File - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting Stock components and associations.
STPT - Stock Parts File
STSA - Stock Applications - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting Stock applications.
STSA - Stock Applications
STSD - Stock Shadow File - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting stock items in the Shadow file.
STSD - Stock Shadow File
STSE - Stock Alternatives
STSE - Stock Alternatives
Line 39: Line 37:
STSP - Stock Supplier File
STSP - Stock Supplier File
STST - Stock File
STST - Stock File - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting Stock Items in the main stock file.
TCTC - Transport Costings
TCTC - Transport Costings

Revision as of 17:34, 7 January 2010

Platinum allows you to import to the majority of files within the system. Below is a list of these destinations and the section of the system these relate to.

LDAD - Account Address File - Use this destination for importing new or editing existing customers and suppliers.

LDCC - Sales/Purchase Cost Centres - Use this destination for importing new or editing existing Sales or Purchase Cost Centres.

LDNC - Nominal Centres - Use this destination for importing new or editing existing Nominal Centres.

LDNO - Nominal Transactions - Use this destination for importing transactions against Nominal Centres.

LDTR - Transaction File - Use this destination for importing transactions against customer or supplier accounts.

OPOR - Order Processing Orders - Use this destination for importing new or editing existing sales or purchase orders.

PRPE - Payroll Employee File - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting employees in the payroll system.

PRPX - Payroll Transaction File

SPPR - Sales Prospecting Prospects - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting Prospects and contacts against them.

STPT - Stock Parts File - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting Stock components and associations.

STSA - Stock Applications - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting Stock applications.

STSD - Stock Shadow File - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting stock items in the Shadow file.

STSE - Stock Alternatives

STSH - Stock History File

STSI - Stock Invoice File

STSP - Stock Supplier File

STST - Stock File - Use this destination for importing new or editing exisiting Stock Items in the main stock file.

TCTC - Transport Costings

TITI - Logistics Management

VSVE - Vehicle Sales Vehicle File

VSVM - Vehicle Model File

VSVX - Vehicle Expenses File

WSJB - Workshop Job File